To do list

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SECOND DAY back into fitness

It was yesterday that everything changes. It finally got to me that I had to do something about myself. I got really bad pain from work. My back, shoulders and feet and everything are hurting me so much and I felt like it was time for me to go back to the way I used to be. I lacked a lot of motivation but everytime I got back to I'd always find motivations :)) I'm eating healthier now. I pack my lunch now and I pack lots and lots of fruits. I did a BR work out yesterday's morning outdoor waking up at6 :) I was proud of myself for doing that. I couldn't believe I was looking forward to doing it even though I was dead tired and sleepy. I was meant to do it for 10 sets but I only did 3 sets meaning 300 reps. But it was good, at least I started. I just need to start. I wanted to do something to day but didn't have the time to do it, and before when I wanted to do it, my sister just ruined my mood.  I guess I'll save it for tomorrow. But yes, I really feel like this is the new beginning for me even though it's not the new year yet but it's good to get things under way. xx