To do list

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Release all you pain on me because I care for you. 
Take who I am and be it. Be my Holy Spirit, be like me your Father, Jesus Almighty God. 
Take care of your sister. 
Love your dad. 
Be safe in all that you do. 
Let me do the great work within you. I provide all. I love you. 
Will I not bless the one I love? 
You again, for the 3rd time I say this; 
you will change nations and the world. 
Your words have power and your character have strength. 
Release all your pain. 
Not until you release those pain will I be able to bless you fully and more abundantly. 
You are my precious child. 
I care for you. 
I will take care of you. 
Justice delayed is not justice denied. 
I will oversee all falsely accused case. 
I will not let the devil run wild. 
They will have to pay for their evil acts. 
You have me on your side. 
Whom shall you be afraid of?
 Me, your God is all you need. I will make a way. 
I will make a way if you let me.
 You will succeed. 
You will be out of all troubles that the world brings. 
I your God know all that's to know; the past, present and the future. 
Linh, this is the message I want you to write down. 
This is your 3rd revelation. i am with you. 
Do not be afraid. 
Take heart. 
Love  me. 
Submit yourself to me. 
Be humble, loving and be your all to me. 
Love me. Let me do all that needs to be done for you. 
Jesus, your Almighty God is your God. 
We love you. 
We love you. 
We love you. 
I have a great place prepared for you in heaven. 
Heaven is your home. 
Won't be long. 
It won't be long. You will come home soon. 
Look into eternity.
 Look onto me. 
I, Jesus will save you.

Your God, Jesus
God Almighty.