To do list

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Note from 5th April

Lord Jesus. 

I know you have a way out of this. You have a will for my life & situations like these are designed to test my faith & trust in you. Troubles & challenges keep coming my way. But every time it knocks me down, your strength help me to get up once again. I'm defeated to this world but in you I have overcome all of it. Jesus it's only a few days left till the proposes shooting date & I'm not going to panic but trust in your will for me. I trust that you will bring about something amazing from this whole journey. I trust you. I need you & I thank you that everytime when I'm about to boast, that you would remind me to be humble because of everything you've helped me overcome. I was never a perfect person, who did everything right. But you chose me & I was someone who struggled so much with almost everything I had my hands on. I'm weak but in my weakness I find strength in you. There's strength in weaknesses & weaknesses in strength. I don't know the future. I don't know the outcome of any of the things that are happening in my life. But I put hope in the fact that I am being used for a greater purpose beyond myself. 

I trust in you & all I ask is for your will to be done & that you would be happy & pleased with me.