To do list

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

My sadness Space

I feel like I am forsaken...

We are really struggling financially yet we feel like we are being attacked on every side.

As soon as I got back to sydney, it doesn't feel the same.

I feel sad, upset, all the negative emotions.

My career can't be seen, it's a blur... I'm uncertain. Financially we are so low.. How are we suppose to afford a wedding. I wish we had just eloped.

The house has issue with the council.

Car payment had to be paid off, so that's all of our savings gone. Not only that we paid on the date that they took out our repayment so now we lost almost $500. We could have regained that if we had paid 1 day early.

My visa was expired so I had to cancelled the ticket and purchase another ticket of $500.

I have no jobs coming up.

My passion for hair always diminishes when I don't have work.

Why do I feel like I need to have a career change.

I really wish things were easier for me. I really am not strong enough to take all of this in without feeling very angry and disappointed.

I wish things were easier.

I feel jealous of others who have a job that they sort of enjoy and make lots of money.

Money isn't controlling me but we really need it for the wedding and also future investment.

I envy those that have it all together. They know how to invest, they make money and don't have to think twice about buying things.

Whereas, for us, we have to think and rethink over and over again if we can afford anything. I hate being in this situation. We don't even know when the financial blessing will come through. We feel like we are being punished.

We want to be able to comfortable buy people's presents, pay off for certain things.

Now we have to pay back ong ba for the month of May.

We don't even have money to deposit for the photographer.

And if Chi mi didn't help with the dress money, then we wouldn't be able to afford it.

And I couldn't stand loosing $800 every month to interest for the car. We had to pay it all off...