To do list

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

So much is happening.

I haven't updated my blog for a while now. It's only been less than a month and so many things have happened. It's incredible how many things can fit in such a short period of time. And it is also incredible how fast time has gone by.

I'm just wondering why I haven't been so uptight with my self image. It's amazing though because I don't feel as insecure as before anymore. However, it's summer and I know I want to look my best, especially when there are wedding and events to go to. I wish I could have that drive & motivation to eat healthy & exercise on a regular basis lol. I just don't care anymore. I'm just so carefree which is good.

So what has happened from the last post till this post?

  • I WATCHED a lot of motivational videos as always
  • I attended the national achievers congress starring Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki & Donald Trump. It was really amazing and I've learnt so muchhhhhhh!!!!
  • I will be attending a seminar with Ewen Chia & also Harv Eker
  • I met Enring who is a leader for LR, a German health & beauty company. She showed me what the company was all about and...
  • I signed up for it today for a Make Up trolley.
  • So officially from today, not only do I study interior design, I am a hairdresser, I am a beauty consultant as well as a make up artist. 
  • I hope to go Melbourne this coming November for the launch.

But apart from that, why am I keep telling myself that I am STUDYING interior designing when I am not!!!!! I seriously have lost the momentum. I've lost it and I have literally ZILCH left! I don't have any desires left. The books and all those stuff are just lying around. But I honestly really hope to finish off the 3 assignments soon. If I really push it, I can get one done in a week or a week and a half. If I REALLY PUSH IT!

Well also I've been doing a lot of photoshoots and stuff. I'm thinking of leaving my work at the end of next year when my contract finishes so I can concentrate solidly on building a great portfolio and get signed with an agency.

I'm owing mum quite a bit of money because I'm doing some things that I want to do and I don't have the money for it.

I'm so glad that mum shares the same mentally as me, just a little bit. I like how she thinks like an investor and she is actually sitting back and just enjoy everything. I will need to really plan out my week & month and fit as much in as possible: health, fitness, mental learning, practical doing ect,

so yike so sleeeppy :(
Night x