To do list

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Burnt out..

It feels like such a long week. Although it is only Tuesday. Thank God, it's my day off. I don't know why I am so weak now. I get tired so easily and my body feels fatigue very quickly as well. I don't know what to do to make myself feel better. I can stay at home, but the more I don't do something, the more I feel tired. I think I work too much. Especially with planning the Wella Trend Competition. On top of that is organising the afterparty, and on top of that is attending meetings on various dates, with the key teams and being at church, and attending Leighton's CG and organising my own. I'm really tired. I enjoy serving but I think maybe I need to look after myself more because the people around me needs me and the church needs me. I'm a bit disappointed as well because last week's retail was so horrible.

I don't know what to think. I just want to travel and experience something new. I just want God's fresh anointing. I really want to raise up a generation of leaders. But I think the problem is that I'm leading those that are already lead. I invited so many people for CG last night but only 3 people came, so it was 4 including myself. But we had fun eating dinner and karaoke. I keep wanting provision, but sometimes is unsure if I have it. God has called me to lead a connect group but sometimes I wonder if I am making a big difference. Maybe. Perhaps. I'm just so tired... So tired :((