To do list

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Previous notes: September 9th @ 7pm

I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't understand why I haven't been passing. I feel likes god is punishing me or something. I feel cursed. I feel like the devil is attacking me. I personally feel like I'm doing really well but technically I haven't. I make clients happy. I sell treatments and products but it's not like they notice it. I feel like there's barely anything good to say about me when they comment in the book. It's always criticisms. I mean they're good feedbacks but I'd appreciate it I'd they actually write down something nice of what I did RIGHT. Since we have 3 teachers it's hard to believe that j actually did a good job just by reading the comments. I'm just worried but I know worrying is not going to change the outcome. I'm trying so hard to do what is right and pleasing to god but I feel like he is forsaking me. I'm so scared of making Dennis and Angie disappointed. I'm really sad honestly. After each day that I once again fail in my assessment  us another night of sorrow and sadness. I don't feel god helping me. I feel he's watching over me but not doing anything to help.  I'm just sad that's all. I mean WHY can't I pass? I've tried all that I could. I have 2 weeks left and I only pass 1 assessment :(  extremely sad. I don't know what to do. I know there are things that's within my control but there are things that's not. I've tried my best with what I've been given what else does god want from me?? What else do you want from me Jesus?  I've done what I could but I don't feel your blessing over this Vardering course. Thank you for the magazine submission but I'm not that thrilled because i know there are way better things ahead of me!! What do I have to do to pass? To do it within 6 weeks. Can I really pass all of the other haircuts in less than 2 weeks?????  Can I really?? You say to have faith but I've been placing so much faith into passing the haircuts but I haven't even passed. Day in day out. I just don't see it happen realistically. What must I do Jesus? 
 Where are you??