To do list

Sunday, February 6, 2011

First post in a LONG time!

Oh how I miss my blog. My little diary!

It's beens so long since I last updated this. Mainly due to the fact that my internet hasn't been working for so long and because I was on holiday most of the time. During this time, I have been keeping my various entries throughout my devotional journal but primarily in my beloved Iphone :) It's so convenient like seriously! Every time when I feel the need to jot down how I feel, I'd take it out and start typing away. I've been keeping so many entries, so many!!

Alright, I know I need my sleep but I really need to do this. I need to update my entry.

Today was my .... okay second attempt to go "raw". I wasn't really ready to be honest but I know I really needed to do this. I've tried countless of diets and ways of eating my nothing left me satisfied. As much as I look around for the answers my body needs, the more I feel compelled to give raw eating another try. I couldn't do it when I was overseas. When I was back in Sydney I think I attempted to fast but I didn't do it for as long as I planned. It was very good nonetheless. But with raw eating, it took me a little time to get back into it by firstly getting motivated by YouTube videos. Dan the man with the Master Plan: Liferegenerator. I seriously love him.

Talking about Dan. I have a new inspiration. Well it has always been for a long time. But officially, ZUZANA from has now become the reason why I exercise, and DAN has now become the epitome of health and gave me a reason to eat. RIGHT. I know what Zuzana said in her interview is amazing Here's an excerpt.

Finally: Can you give the readers three short tips how to get in shape, get stronger, live healthy – to make it brief: how to become and stay a “Bodyrocker”?
Zuzana: Start following our workout schedule – we post a new one each week. As a BodyRocker you have to be committed and to strive to be 100% conscious of your eating habits and daily exercise. It is not just about getting into shape, it is a lifestyle and you are training to live as the best version of you possible.

So that's pretty amazing. And reading about her past inspires me so much. Coming out from such a dark past and overcoming that with such determination and courage AND strength. She is truly amazing.

So is Dan the man. haha. 

Alright so tomorrow is a photoshoot with Lauren Vickers. We're doing some hair extension thing. Got to wake up early and get there before 10. It's Vision Sunday as well tomorrow and I'd like to come to church although Sveta wanted me to come over. I know it's a really bad comparison but it's because I haven't spoken to her in so long and I felt like we have distant a lot for the past week. But if she needs space I will definitely give her that. Oh maybe I should just go church tomorrow and then I can come over on Monday or something.

I'm excited about going Future Music Festival to do hair. . . Hrm.... maybe not so much in this heat. Today was like 43 degrees or something. It felt like desert.... with no sand. It was so hot. I felt like I was at the airport standing near the plane and the heat just comes out like crazy. I honestly don't enjoy summer so much. The heat really makes me cranky lol. I like mid seasons. Like spring or autumn. Seasons in between :)

Anyways I have a lot to say but I guess I'll leave it till next time. I'm getting realllllyyyyy SLEEPPYYY nowww...
