To do list

Monday, November 21, 2011

Spirit of God.

I have to keep rebuking the evil spirit within me. My weakness is getting hurt by my little sister and usually it throws me into frustration. But this time around, I will not let anyone or anything rob me out of my joy. I had to continue praying and affirm myself of God's goodness and spirit upon my life and that the spirit of sadness, anger and revenge is not welcome in me. It's hard. It's really hard. And as I pray tears stream down my face. God is so good to me and I can not thank him enough for delivering me day by day.

God is not changing me over night, instead he is changing me overtime. I wish it was easier but it's not. I don't know why but I know that everything has its part in His kingdom and he wants to work it for good. I wish I was healed instantly. But I'm not. Today I felt the most pain I've ever felt on my back. I don't know if it's because I've been in heels for so long, but not only my lower back hurts, the whole spine hurt and also my arm hurt as well. Right hand side, just near the underarm, beside my shoulder blade. I don't know where it's coming from and I'm so desperate for a massage. I just want healing. I believe God will heal me soon. Sickness is not what God wants for my life. Health and Wealth is what He wants for my life.