To do list

Thursday, June 14, 2012

life evaluation

You've attracted the things in your life because of the person you've become.

If you will change, everything will change for you.

To have more, you will have to become more.

It's not the blowing of the wind that determines your future, it's the set of the sail. Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills. You can do the most remarkable thing no matter what happens.

We get pay for bringing the value to the market place (reality).

It takes time to bring value, but we don't get pay for time. We get pay for the value we put in the time.

Become more valuable and you'll get pay more. 

$4/hr = not very valuable to the market place (reality)

You can't get rich by demand. 

It's easier to climb than to wait for a raise.

Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job.

If you work hard on your job, you'll make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you'll make a fortune. 

Don't change the sea, let what's available work for you. 

Work on your personality, your language, your communication skills. 

Review your performance.

Always do more than what you get pay for, to make an investment for your future.

If it's raining you don't fix the roof. If it's not raining you don't need to fix the roof.

Face your fears.

Don't dismiss them. Face them. What can you do to change.

Exercise your will power.

Admit your mistakes. I'm sorry.

It can start a whole new relationship, in a new direction.

Admit your mistakes to yourself.

Refine your goals.

Believe in yourself.

There isn't a skill you can't learn. There isn't a book you can't read.

Ask for wisdom.

Conserve your time.

You don't have an unlimited supply

Invest your profits.

Protect your family.

Live with intensity.

Invest more of you in whatever you do.

Demand integrity from yourself.

Be the best example of loyalty, and you'll have the best loyal followers.

Welcome the discipline.

Fight for what's right.

'I fought a good fight'-

Fight and keep faith. 

Question we normally ask ourselves.


Ask why not?

Why not you?

Why not now?

HAPPY    +








You don't offer opportunity a need.

Opportunity is attracted by talent and ability.

Don't make your employee, your banker.

Make your banker, your banker.