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Sunday, March 10, 2013

COLOUR 2013 review

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for revealing more of yourself to me. Thank you that it wasn't just an event that I attended but it was a movement. It was an amazing experience. Thank you that you spoke to me so clearly. Thank you that you helped me resolved a few issues.

Jesus. One thing was so apparent, and that was you telling me to go to College. I'm really happy about that because I'm excited to get myself prepared for the future calling. I know you didn't call me to be a hairdresser, but you used that to refine my character and gave me some practice at reaching the dark crowd. Lord, no one in my family will truly understand why I do what I do, but you understand and I understand. We know that this world is not all there is. We both know that my home belongs in heaven and that right now I'm just a captive in a foreign world. However, there are so many of your children that lives in this world, and we need to rescue them. You've appointed us to this world and at the same time Satan appointed this world to us. It's such a dark world. But Lord, you are so powerful, you are so good, and you've won! You've won Lord Jesus! We have victory in your name. Lord, I'm overwhelmed and nervous, but I have confidence in you that if this is your will, you will provide me with the finance I need. You will make it easy for me to tell my mum. I know you will give both of us peace. You will give my family a soft heart to accept who I am. Lord I thank you in advance for my mum's salvation. I pray for the rest of my family that they will get to experience the same love I received from you. I pray that far and wide, all my extended family will come to serve you. Lord I can't underestimate your power by limiting my prayer. So here I am asking you boldly that you reach out your merciful hand and touch the lives that don't know you. Lord, by your grace, this will be something that I'm committed to pray for. I see my grandparents turning to you, my uncles and aunties, my cousins, my sister, my brother in law, my nephew and niece.

I just want to give you thanks. I thank you that just in over 2 months, you've brought me to a place I've never been. You've tested my faith and you proved yourself faithful. You have provided through everything. How thankful I am Lord. I am so thankful Jesus!

Lord I ask you make me focused, never to feel complacent, always thankful, always other-minded, always loving, always patient, always displaying your light and your words will always be on my lips.