To do list

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

REVELATIONS from 2010 till 2013

JUN 2010

By my power you will change nations and the world. I will give you blessings and pour my spirit upon your family, your generations, the work you do and the people you deal with. Any person you come in touch with & talk to will be blessed through you because you are mine and I am pleased with your heart. The long winding road will not be easy, but because I am with you, I will give you strength, I will renew your spirit for each case. That way you will grow stronger in my faith as you step further into my purpose for you. 

You will stay firm and strong in your position. You will be blessed with opportunities to change the view of the world. They will see you and they will think of me. They will see you and be proud of your success. Your family especially will be proud of what you've become. You will shine my name as you shine yours. I've chosen you because you possessed the exact character and personality that I need in order to carry out such work

Only you are able to do the will that I have for you, no one else but you. And it is a great task. It is a hard task, but a rewarding one if you have the desire. All I ask for you is to obey me. Take time to read my words and to obey me. Reach into the presence of my spirit and obey me. Obey what I have to say. Listen to the voice in your mind when I do speak. Listen out for me. Follow your heart in everything you do. Be patient and calm. Be gentle and loving. Be strong and courageous. Be hardworking and humble. Speak not of your own strength but of mine. Speak of my great work. Acknowledge what I have done in your life and you will be blessed. People needs to hear your testimony. Their lives will be change. It is I, Jesus who is speaking to you right now. Take this. Remember this. It is the pinnacle of the journey you are about to start with me. This journey will take you around the world, from end and back. It will influence the most influencial people, you will be recognised and you then must show them that you are my child. Do not be afraid as to how it shall be done. My spirit will be with you and your calling will be accomplished until the very end. It will be accomplished and lives will be change.


Holy of all Holy. I am your God, your ever living God who brings you glory and success just as I am. Jesus Almighty God, your God will be with you wherever you go.

As you have felt in my spirit and see the visions I've given you, you will be called to preach my name. Your mum will become my follower. There will only be you, your mum and Chi left in the family. 

Glory will be given to me and through your testimony.

Hairdressing will take 1/4 of your life, mission work 1/4 and spreading my message the other 1/2.

Success will belong to you.

Love will find its way to you when it is right. He will have a heart for me just as you do. He will reach out to you and help you expand my kingdom.

Hairdressing is something I've gifted you with only because I know you have the right attitude and the right faith to carry out my will. With your belief and undying love for me. I will use you for my great purpose. I will make you well-known in the industry but the only reason I'm doing so is because I need to bring you into powerful people. I want this to be used as an opportunity for you to build connections, to get to know some particular individuals, as these people have also been called by me.... together you will be united with my body and bring glory to God. Jesus will be glorified.

I said that I will protect you and I will. 

Millions of lives will be changed and lives will be given up for me.

Your mum will be rewarded greatly.

Don't worry, it's only a matter of time. I will bring her home with me. She will be with me. I assure you.

Chi is a great sister and I have placed her in your life to really teach you a lesson of patience. She will come back to me because she sees me and in you. 

This whole journey will take a while but trust in my timing. Just let my whispers be sensitive to you so that I don't have to use my last resort of troubles & pain to come upon your life.

You will change nations and the world.

DEC 2012 (Jordan)

I have a great plan for you. Greater doesn't mean better than what you have now but it will be more influential than you will ever know. Lovely I want you to relax and not worry about the future. I want you to know that leaving your workplace is the right thing to do and I honour your decision. I know you are wondering how you will support yourself financially but remember I am the God of the universe and I made YOU! Will I not provide for you? I don't want you to look for a job, I have something better planned for you. I know you feel scared and unsure of the future but if you just look to me, I will reassure you and show you mighty things. Your workplace will not be the same when you leave. Once you leave they will know what legacy you left. Your boss have changed to some degree. Your colleagues around have changed as well. I will give you the boldness and confidence to proclaim my name and ask them to church. I know you are scared of what they will think of you but that's the least that you can do for them. I will strengthen you and make the right time so you can boldly ask them. 

I want you to know also that your 22nd birthday will be the best birthday yet. You'll realise what an incredible woman you have been in my kingdom and I know you are humble and will not believe it & don't like to receive complement but it's the truth. Saturday night will not be the same without you. You are an amazing warrior and I see all that you do Linh. You might think you are going south and you are heading against my promises but listen, my promises are true and my words can not be returned void. I love you with an everlasting love and beautiful girl, Jordan is real. He is real and he is handsome. I've handpicked him just for you. Persevere my dear, persevere through afterparty. I will bring you helpers of all areas and you will lead and not have to follow. You will be the head and not the tail. You'll bring my people tome. You'll create an environment of love, purity and a community of genuine friendship. I will give you ideas on where to go, what to do. Each week will be planned and appointed by me. I will guide you and lead you and you will follow me. You will hear my voice and you'll love my words. My spirit will overflow within you and my light will shine through you. People will see you and see me. They will look at you and can't help but know that there is a true God. Your happiness and joy is contagious and your smile is beautiful. Your words are like gold, they are like honey to the soul and as fresh as an autumn breeze on a summer day. Jordan know about you, I told him of you and you need not to look for him, for he will look for you. He will ask you out and you'll know that it's him because both of you will hear from me. He will love me so much and I know you want someone like that. He loves you very much as well and will protect you with his words and with his strength. Believe me for he will come, not so long now, very very soon. But I am also preparing your mindset. I'm preparing your character and preparing your attitude, your perseverance, your strength, your ability to have peace in all situation, the ability to love instead of hate, to mend brokenness instead of gossiping, to heal and not destroy, to love my words and seek me above all else. I love you Linh, and I have a really awesome present for you in 2 days time, you'll know because it can only come from me. Happy birthday for Thursday, I love you. 

DEC 2012 (After I left T&G)

Linh, I know you are worried about the coming year. What you will be doing, but will you just trust me that my timing is perfect. Just trust in me because like I've told you, I have something planned for you. Next year will be the first year of a new chapter/ cycle of your life. Will you give me everything that you have? Will you trust in me with your finance? Trust me with your belongings? What do you want to do with hair? What do you want to do with church? What are your goals? What do you want to do for me?

MARCH 2013 (at Colour)

I want you to go College in July...Will you leave your family for me? Will you leave your career for me? Will you leave everything and follow me?

(So he called me to do College in July 2013) So I guess that was his plan ...