To do list

Sunday, September 19, 2010



I'm so sad right now.....

I can't think straight. Too many things I need to do and take care of. I don't know anymore. I really don't. I just want to relax and get away from everything. I want to be with God and not have to worry about anything. But I can't. Life isn't that easy. Life has it's ups and downs and constant troubles. I need to attach myself as close to God as possible. Only in him will I find peace. Only in magnifying him will my worries and troubles lessen and diminish. I'm going to answer a few questions that I've set out and this will direct my actions from now onwards.

1. What are some of the things causes me worries and stress at the moment?

• My family situation: mum and dad
• My little sister: talking rudely and not having respect for me
• My cousin Kevin who was admitted to hospital
• My look
• scissors that needs sharpening
• Hairdressing portfolio

2. Which of these things are within my control and which of these are NOT. What can I do about those things that us under my control? And how can I minimize the worries and stress of the ones that are not?

• My family is out of my control. I can not do anything about it besides praying. I shoul not put unnecessary responsibility on my shoulder such as taking care of mum or little sis because even though it is important, it is not that big of a deal. I should live my life to the fullest by doing what I enjoy most and trust in God to solve the problems around me. The outcome will be based upon my attitude and level of positivity. And that will also determine the level of contentment of the final results.

• My sister's attitude is out of my control. All I can do is do what God would do: persistence, encouragement, love and kind words. I should remember to do this no matter how bad she is acting.

• The way I look is IN my control. I can determine the way I look by eating cleanly and perform regular physical exercise activities. I should write out a goal and step by step actions to achieve what I want. I also need to establish the reasons I want to do this so thar when I am side-tracked I can have a good enough reason to push me forward.

• Kevin : he is not in my control and only Gid is able to bring healings. I need to stay faithful and keep on praying!!!

• Portfolio: I DO have the control to finish this off. It's due this coming week and I need to get it done asap. I should be looking over everything tonight and plan out what else I need to gather the information for. Start do what's important and not waste my time ib stupid, time-wasting activities eg,Facebook, YouTube.

• My scissors: I forgot this at Pasdington so I don't know how it shall be done. Unless I come at 9 then go to Pyrmont to sharpen the scissors. I should get back before the 2nd appointment.