To do list

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

:) It can only be from God...

Today has been a really great day. 

Even though things weren't going as well, but I had so much joy inside of me that no matter what was happening around me, I was still able to keep a positive mindset :)

It took me a while to find the bus and stuff to get to Pyrmont but I got there eventually. It was SOOOOO RELAXING just walking around in the morning, chilling, having a cup of soy latte, sitting outdoor and writing out my goals. I love walking seriously. I love seeing and watching people and the things God made. 

And Oh my Lord, how I loooooooovvvveeeeeeeeeee every lunch hour I get to spend at that Paddington Reserve. It's so relaxing and the weather has always been so beautiful. It's like my time with God. It's so wonderful!!

I thought I did terrible with the two haircuts today but surprisingly I passed on the vertical layer. I seriously don't know HOW and WHY I deserve to pass. The transient length was horrible. Full stop. haha.

I just found out that I will be working at World Square on 26th October :) TUessdayyy. LOL I can't believe I got it. I'm so happy to be working there. I've always wanted to be based in that salon and it's amazing how God made it possible for me even though they didn't need me when I applied initially. 

Well everything is under God's control. It's not my timing but his timing. God is great. He is great and truly a blessing to me. I love him and thank him for everyday. I thank him for all the blessings that He will pour out onto me especially in regards to my love life.

Okay I'm like extremeeeeeelllyyy SLEEPY right now. xx night night Jesus