To do list

Sunday, September 26, 2010

my week...

Tuesday_ Joyful?
Wednesday_ Really sad?
Thursday_ Dont know really.
Friday_I guess, alright.

Now I have to definitely stay back for 2 extra weeks for Vardering. But it's okay and I see it as an opportunity to sharpen my skill and gain more experience. All to God's glory that I'm starting to see things in a positive light.

Didn't have much of a productive day today but I did manage to come to church and got home at around 12:30am because Xw and I needed to have a chat. And I'm glad we did because I was able to give her Godly advice.

Right now, I'm having a really bad stomach pain. That just reminded me that I haven't had my period for almost a year now. I'm a little worried.

I also have to call up AAMI tomorrow to give them the smash repairers phone number and book and appointment date.

I also NEED to plan out my next week:
* food
* exercise
* meet-ups
* study for test on MONDAY
* review my goals!!
* buy new pair of scissors MONDAY morning.

Okay... well that's it for now.

I haven't been writing up here because my laptop is having some difficult charging and it's a hassle typing it on the iphone.

Anyways, I just hope God would allow me to do everything I need to get done tomorrow.

:( My stomach hurts...