To do list

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Long time no talk..

I seriously hate how I look.

I hate how I feel.

And maybe cutting my hair short is the symptom of my decrease self confidence.

I honestly hate how things are at the moment

I find it hard to think of anything good and that's a really bad thing.

I'm so tired and drained off energy.

I need a retreat. I need God's power. I need to get away to where the presence of God is because it is there that I will renew my spirit and myself.

I hate how I look so bad. I know I should love myself but this isn't how God intended for me to look like. I know that.

I'm sick of feeling sick and tired.

The blocked nose is annoying. Vardering progress isn't too great :(

It makes me really sad and I really don't know how God would use this in His plan.

I just want to cry. My eyes are giving up on me. They need sleep. They need rest. My mind and spirit feels robbed.

I know all the right thing, but is finding it hard to believe it or convince myself so.

i don't want to think too much about tomorrow but I just can't help feeling sad and despair about how I am going with all the assessments.

God chose me to do this. God hand picked me and gave me this that in failure I may become something??? I don't know. I really don't know. But all I know is that His ways are not my ways.

God Im so in need of you. I HONESTLY REALLY WANT YOU RIGHT NOW!!!


my partner
my job
my career
my TESTS. when will i passsss??????????????????????????
my heart is in so much pain
my BODY is screaming out for health!!!!!!!!

and WHY IS IT that I eat healthy all day and as soon as I come home, I eat like a pig!!!!

I hate how I look. I hate how I can't even stick to achieving my goals. I don't even remember ANY TIME that I have actually done what I've set out to do in regards to health and fitness.

I hate my broad shoulder and chubby arms. My rounded face look fat and swollen. I'm sick of this hair. I want to chop it all off. I want a vacation, a holiday.

I want to get that hype and spirit back again so I can start to read some more.

And why did you make me with no eyelashes God? I hate how  my eyes are!!!! :(

When will I love myself, truly, truly truly......

Why am I full of imperfections....