To do list

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The night. Tonight. Hot yoggaaa

2nd October 6:17pm

Thank you Jesus for the day. Thank you for giving me such a good experience at bikram yoga. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I feel much better now and I feel like I will be making even better food choices from now if I continue to do this on a regular basis. I'm glad I wasn't thinking about anything stressful during that time. I mean I couldn't even if I tried because I was concentrated on doing all the poses as best as I could. I really do feel like I'm regaining all of my strength and flexibility back. Today somehow feel so significant. I don't know why but it just does. Feels like it's a start of something new. 2nd october. It really feels special. Hrmmm....


Oh emm gee. I feel so absolutely full. I can't remember the last time I ate this
Much. Well I mean with my old self this wasn't too much. But with the 'me' right now, these food are too much. I can't really stress over it too much. What happened
Has already happened so all I can really do is move on and hopefully change for the better. Learn from
This lesson to not eat too much but listen to my body :)

I love Jesus so much and I'm vey thankful
For this long weekend. I'm not too sure if I'm going to Jerusalum Bay because of a certain someone lol. But yeah, tomorrow will be Sunday and I hope I can go to hot
Yoga again :D and eat right for the rest of the day. I want to make the most out of my day and that's including spending quality time with God :)

I just want to be with him


And forever xx