To do list

Sunday, November 21, 2010

iPhone memo

October 19

Lord. I don't want to keep looking at myself because every time I do I never end up liking what I see. Please remind me of what is unseen which have a lasting impact. Please help me to concentrate not on myself but on you where I will always find peace and joy and satisfaction. God help me to kickstart this journey with strength and please bless me with the consistency that I need to take this to the very end without falling. God I desperately need you so much. Please speak to me and give me that motivation back in my life!!  I need you so much. I need you. (12:56pm)

October 28

3rd day of work. 

Thank you Jesus for blessing me with my last client. It's always good to end the day on a good note. I'm so happy that I was able to make my client happy & its wonderful to know that I can use my gift to bless others. Jesus u know yesterday wasn't great and I did not have many clients today but what I do know is that you are God and you have an amazing plan for my life. U know for a fact that this is where u want me to be and thar this journey will take me to my calling, my dream. I'm so honoured to be serving you. I'm honored to be working in such a place. Not everyone there is GREAT but I don't look at it like that. I will use my time wisely to learn as much as possible from everyone. If I can help out with something, I will. Just because I'm a stylist doesn't mean I wont sweep up or do the washing. Jesus I don't know what tomorrow will hold for me but you are with me, I know that for a fact. You are always with me whether Im aware of it or not. Jesus please help me with everything tomorrow. I still struggle to fit in my 45 minutes appointment. Please help me to speed up but still have the quality haircut. Jesus I am nothing without you. I depend on you forever & always. (9:08pm)
