To do list

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Okay I just had a SKYPE session with Anibi and I feel much much better.

I know God is in control even though I don't see it. I know He is mighty and He is good and nothing goes out of His sight. He sees it all and knows it all. He knows all the good and bad things. He hears my cries and He hears my heart. He knows what I need and what I want. He gives me the desire to want the right things. Not because of selfish ambitions but because He knows that I am capable of achieving those things. I love Jesus so much and I know this year will be a great year.

For some reasons, I was incredibly moody and tired this morning, but right now it's as if I have a new energy surging through me. I'm happy and I know that it's none other than God's holy power. I know that I have to love myself first and foremost and I can NOT diet! I can not DIET!! Because if I do I will always go in this vicious cycle of not being happy with myself. I need to LOVE ME FIRST and the rest shall come. I need to appreciative of God has given to me and not take things for granted. I need to also understand the power of fasting and prayer. If I want something that God wants, no doubt God will give it to me.

I know my health is something I need to have a closer look at, but a softer look on. I need not give myself a scrutinising look and criticise myself for every little wrong thing I do. Let's just use those things as a stepping stone to what I want to achieve and not see it as failure. Mistakes will not be accepted as failure until you accept it as reality. I know God only wants the best for me but I have to work for it and I have to be willing to pay the price for it.

I thank God for giving me peace..

Thank you Jesus