To do list

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I think I need more faith

Happy Monday! Feel the fear and do it anyhow! Watch & Enjoy. Join Delatorro for this powerful and profound LIVE interview with highly successful entrepreneurs and Pastors Gary and Drenda Keesee...
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Today I met up with Jo, and it was a good chat. It's always good having a talk with him. I really admire him. He is very bright and brave. He is a risk taker and a faithful servant of God. He also enjoys life the way God would like him to. Overall these past few weeks have been really intense for me especially when I have lots of commitments to take care of. Namely: the interior design assignments/tutorials, looking for model for Wella Trend, hitting my retail so I can earn some more commission, saving up for my airfare, doing a good job at work without any complaints.

I mean it has been really hard on me emotionally, mentally AND physically, seeing as though I haven't been able to get sleep. I get extremely tired and sleepy but my brain just doesn't shut down. Every time I listen to TD Jakes sermon called "Worried" I always start to tear up, because it really speaks what my heart feels. I get sleep but I don't get any rest. I was so frustrated last night. I could not even get a proper sleep and this morning I woke up late so gym was out of the option. Fortunately, even after the dinner with Jo, I still managed to go home and do BR work out called "SIX PACK ABS 2011" Workout. I'm so happy to know that I have such tools to aid me in this journey of becoming physically healthier.

Anyways, Jo told me to keep my faith up and believe that it will happen. He asked me to pray for his interview to get his Australian citizen as well and I TRULY BELIEVE THAT HE WILL GET IT. Just because I feel like THIS IS THE LAND that God wants to plant him in. He is doing extremely well.

Tomorrow is my day off and I'm SO GLAD. I have many things lined up and I hope I can make the most out of my day and that includes cleaning my room and wash dishes. I need to go and have a consultation with the natural therapist regarding my sleeping pattern and my irregular menstruation cycle. I would like to come to the connect group tomorrow night with the girls as well. And I need not forget the tutorial 5 that I need to study for.

AND gymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :))))))) AND sweat sweat sweat!!!
