To do list

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I don't know what to say.

I am speechless.

I need restoration.

I need the presence of God.

You can not fix the past, but you can make a new future

I'm so sick of feeling sick and tired.

I'm so sick of my life RIGHT now. I love it when I make people feel beautiful, when I'm cutting and styling hair, but as soon as I'm almost home, I feel dead! Literally. I don't know what it is. I don't know if it's me or if it's the problem I'm having. I just want to get my diet on track. Get my fitness back on track. I do everything so proper and well OUTSIDE of home, but as soon as I come home, I'm like a different "old" person. I hate it.

I just want to get away. Flight or fight. I think I'd be the "flight" situation right now. I know you have to be brave and "face" it, but I'd rather get away and enter into the presence of God.

I don't like how I look, how I feel. I look and feel sluggish. I'm not totally confident with myself. I just want to be a different person. This is not how God intended me to be. I know I'm worth so much more than what I'm treating myself right now. My body is the Lord's temple! GOD PLEASE GIVE ME THE WILL THE STRENGTH, THE ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE OF MY LIFE!!!! PLEASE HELP ME TO CHANGE! TO BE BETTER! TO BE GREATER THAN WHO I AM NOW!


I can literally die right now.

I look like crap and feel like crap. I don't even recognise myself anymore. Will I even have the gut to stand on my feet tomorrow and go gym?