To do list

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Need to get back to gym tomorrow and also my instalments for gym membership. Just ate so much. Well I also emailed a few newspapers as well as channel 7 & channel 9. I don't know if they're interested in my story but there's nothing I've got to loose in trying. So yeah, if God wants something for me, it will happen.

I'm also glad to see that others do realise how close I am with my God. And what I've learnt is that revelation means "to lift the veil". I was simply made aware of what WILL happen in the future. I don't create it because it has been there all that time. Opening the visions up to me would mean that God wants me to pursue the passion that I have to make what I see a reality. I know what I saw, what God told me is all true and WILL happen. It's only a matter of time. The fame and stuff will come, but for now I just have to be obedient and trust in Jesus. I also need to work hard and stay persistent with everything that I put my energy towards. I know God made known to me the fact that I WILL get that body that I want, that state of health that I've been longing for. I just have to work at it. I will come, but how fast it comes depends on how my progress is and how much I'm willing to sacrifice my old way to then adopt a new way of living. I think I will start from tomorrow. I know I'm a type who gets bored easily and can't stick with one thing for long, but if there's a great reason and passion behind that, I will never loose sight of what I want to achieve, namely: my relationship with God, and my passion for hair as well as my love for mum and my sister.

I need to be more like with my health. But I also need to understand that my goal and focus isn't on the earthly body but the eternal soul. I need to nourish it. And even though God will give me a new body once I enter His Kingdom, and even though how you look don't totally matter, but what eating healthily will affect both the way I FEEL and the way I LOOK. It's like hitting the bird with 2 stones. I will be at my peak state of health to carry out God's good work, His calling for me. At the same time, because I'm obedient, He will bless me with the body that I've desired. It's not an extra thing, it just comes along with the benefits of adopting an "eating living food" lifestyle.

I know that desired body will come, but I want it to come soon. And that means I should start NOW. Even if it's at night, I should not risk it by saying, I will do it from tomorrow and "pig" out tonight as much as I can. I will start from now and I mean it. I know it will be hard along the way but as long as I look at the long term result and "what is to come" then I think it's all sorted. Things will be okay with a few sacrifices.

I want to go Gym tomorrow. I want to eat living food as much as I can. I know my body feels HORRIBLE after I eat a big meal of cooked food, like right now. But it's over and I shouldn't look back feeling guilty but use that as an encouragement to face a new day. I want to put God first in everything I do because I know if I do that, His blessings will inevitably come. I want to make sure the first thing I do tomorrow is spending time with God, NOT eating!

Thank you Jesus for your amazing love. Thank you for the success that is to come. Thank you that you've chose me out of all people to bring glory to the heavenly kingdom. I feel privilege to have you as my Saviour, my Father. No one else is like you and I'm grateful that you are with me every second of every day for the rest of my life, even after this life, I will still be with you. I thank you for the amazing body I will have, the wonderful house we will be living in, the awesome opportunities to appear on the TV screens and ultimately bring people to Christ. I know Hairdressing isn't the main thing I've put here to do. You've placed that passion in me to eventually connect myself with powerful people through diligence and hard work. After that, I will be uniting with the Body of Christ to bring Glory to your name! I'm so thrilled and excited to be used by you! I'm so happy that you've chose me!! I'm so thankful! Thank you that I can be a servant and a great friend. Thank you that you are always welcoming me back into your arms even after my sinfulness, incompetencies and inadequacy. I love you Jesus. Forever and ever.