To do list

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday. A beautiful day.

Just thought I say that today is a wonderful day (:

I honestly don't know what happened but as soon as I woke up today, I felt so good and positive. I was happy throughout the day. I also worked out as well which made it extra awesome. I think it was because last night I really cried out to God and prayed that He'd come and strengthen me. He did and preserved hope within me. I love Jesus so much. I'm so happy to be at church tonight. It was so amazing. Especially when Sophia came along and also brought her room-mate. Young Jun (I think that's how you spell it) just came from Korea a week ago and is here to do an internship. It's definitely not a coincidence that she happened to come live with Sophia. Young Jun knew about Hillsong even back in Korea and when she got here, she really wanted to come to see the church. I happened to ask Sophia to come along tonight and they both were already together so they ended up coming. I'm so happy and joyful to see him loving it. It makes me feel wonderffffullll knowing that they love the God that I love. What even more unbelievable is how Chi actually told me tonight that she "loves" church. That is SO AWESOME! I'm so glad to have brought her consecutively for the past few weeks. I'm going to continue doing so.

Well. I've made a decision that from now onwards, I want to do all that I can to put God first in everything I do. I'm planning to wake up at 6:30/6:45am tomorrow and spend half an hour with God before I get on with my day. I think it is critical and also very beneficial for me. I want to work Him around time, not choosing time to work around him. I want to place in first in all things, and I know He is my number ONE priority, so everyday, no matter what happens, I will make sure that He is included in my day, and during that "time period", I will do nothing but dwell myself in the presence of God.

Second thing I prioritise now is my HEALTH. It is very important for me and I know I may fall short at times, but I know for a fact that this time around, things will be TOTALLY different to the past attempts. I WILL achieve what I've set out to do! (: So in saying that, making sure that I always reach for optimal health by eating 70% or more "living" or "raw" food in my diet daily. My breakfast is always juice now and I ABSOLUTELY love it!!!! I can't live without fruits and vegetables because I function so well with it. Apart from eating right, I'd also need to put out sometime each day working out to get my heart pumping. I'm thinking of alternating every second day as interval cardio and the other days are strength training.

So right now, here are my top priorities are:

: prayer and studying His words (Every morning): Church (Every week)

Then: God's temple = my body = health = Eating right + Exercising

How would I feel if I don't eat clean and exercise regularly?

  • Physically: 
1, I will re-live the digestive problems AGAIN! Nooooooo....
2, Sluggish...Ew I don't want to feel fatty and not FIT!
3, My skin will turn dry, horrible!
4, My eyes will become more cloudy. So unhealthy!
5, My tongue will no longer be smooth and clear but will start having build-ups on the surface. Ew!
  • Mentally: I will feel lethargic, tired, out of energy, and not motivated
  • Emotionally: Robbed of energy, depressed, guilt, regret
I'M CARRYING A MESSAGE. I need to retain my body at its best condition in order to accomplish God's will in the best possible state: physically, emotionally and mentally.