To do list

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Brown Rice

Well I've been feeling really depressed lately. It's been a while since I feel this way. I just feel like this when I'm coming home. I don't know why, I just do.

Well don't know what else to say really. Just eating some brown rice and that makes me happy. I think my favourite food is fruits, vegetables and brown rice. I eat so much when I come home. Like just before I had 4 slices of toasts and a few choc chip cookies. That doesn't seem like a lot but it is in fact VERY MUCH considering how much I eat throughout the day. I have juice in the morning at around 9am and a salad at 1pm then come home at 7:30pm. I don't feel that hungry when I'm home. A fruit would satisfy me but it's because I see 'them' so I eat them.

Well got to get back on track somehow. People are raging about the summer and gym on facebook. It makes me think about myself. Well I will get back on track. Just need sometime. Christina also called. I'm not sure if I will take up the job offer. Got to hear from God.

I feel like God is telling me to read back to the "fasting" book and start my fast with prayers. But I'm not too sure.... I don't know....