To do list

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I hope I don't waste time today...

Today is my day off and I hope I will be able to make the most out of it. Like Brian said 'Life is short and Life is long' and I want to cherish every single second that I have as hard as it is to do.

Jesus I thank you for the model that you will be providing me, I know how faithful you are in providing for your loved ones. I know you have specificly chosen me to do this hair competition and right now I have everything except for a model. It's such a journey looking for them and I'm still waiting for 4 to reply to me. I don't think they check their MM account that's why they haven't replied. I really need a model Jesus and you know that. That's literally like the most important thing because I have to showcase my hair on their! No, Jesus I'm not loosing hope. I still have hope and faith. I still believe that you will deliver because you are an awesome God who has an amazing plan for our life. You are the king of impossibilities, of miracles of supernatural power, of love, of grace, of mercy, of blessings, of happiness and of completeness. I have something that no one else has ( well some), and that is the fact that I have YOU!!

I need to do my assignment so hopefully you can bless me with that.

I feel like I'm slowly learning to love myself more. Yesterday I was over Sveta's place and we talked about my concern ect, and at the near end we both decided for me to take my make up off. So I did and she said I looked better than when I have make up on because it's natural. I don't know if it's her being nice or if I really do look better. I don't know, but one thing I knew is that I FELT comfortable and that's all that mattered. I felt like I don't have to hide but be MYSELF!