To do list

Sunday, March 6, 2011

the old me....


Just thinking about how I used to be.... and I don't know.... I'm just questioning myself

How did I even fell into those things? How did I start to become all that. Like come on, like dancing on the podium, going out late nights, clubbing every week. AND YET I was still going to church doing my christian thing. I did not think it was wrong because I didn't go for the wrong motive, I guess I just really loved dancing and since I couldn't take dancing lessons, might as well go and dance for free because we get free entries.

I don't know. I was just so different before. However, I'm actually quite glad that I went through all that because I learn the most through mistakes :)

Jesus I love you and I have learnt to really depend on you, not only that but to DWELL in your presence. So like today, I'm lazy and tired and felt unsure ..... I don't know why I felt unsure, I didn't totally feel sad nor happy, just reallly emotionless and blank. Then I had to study Interior Design and got sleepy. I didn't want to do it anymore and just want to rest & sleep. I felt a little frustrated and then I remember to listen to the quite voice within me telling me I should just pause and dwell into God's words. I just really want him to bless me with the right model.. I really need him to.

I thank Him for giving me a good future and plan that prospers me. I thank Him for the photographer, model, make up artist and all the creativity he will be giving me to make this photo shoot amazing.

Jesus thank you..

please continue to pour joy into my heart and let it shine for everyone to see.xx