To do list

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Distant from God.

I feel a little distant from God lately. I don't know why. I don't know if I'm being ignorant trying to do my own thing or what. Things haven't been great lately. It's been really depressing, especially at work how everyone is so uneasy and arguing and just so moody. I don't like it. I don't like how I always have to meet people's expectation of me and I never really feel as though I'm good enough. Everytime I tried my best, my best is never good enough and I'm told I can be better. I'm upset at my boss, I'm upset at how money-focused he is. Fair enough he is looking out for us and want the best for us and also give great customer service, but we all can see that he pushes things too much to a point where common sense is no longer there. I don't want to talk about this anymore and I know God says to obey your earthly master with all your heart and do everything as if you are doing it for the Lord and He shall reward you for all the good things you've done. I trust in that.

I just got 2 fines all in one day last wednesday and I'm very happy especially when I'm trying to save up. I don't have much in my bank account at the moment. I just got paid and if I do pay for the fines, I will end up with $1000, and if I don't spend anything for the next 3 weeks, I should end up with around AU$2700 but it's only roughly Euro $1800... and I wanted to bring more. I've been saving up everything that I make outside of work + tips money for The Heart for the House offering. I hope God knows my sacrifice because even though I don't have much to offer, it's EVERYTHING that I do make. All my tips, every little bit of it goes to God because I know without him I wouldn't have received that in the first place. So I just counted and it was $236, and I told him that it could be so easy for me to use that to pay for the fine but I rather invest it in His kingdom because he can do so much for with what I've got than I could ever dream possible.

I don't want to worry but I hope money comes from somewhere....

I hope my boss start paying me proper wage from next week onwards....

I wanted to give Ethan $1000...........

OMGGGG I just rememberedddd!!!! Mum holds that $1000!!!! yayayayayaya

Okay that means I can STILL give Ethan $1000. GREAT! I kept thinking this is all I have left. Okay well cool.

Anyways time to do my interior design which I'm so lazy to do because it's no fun doing everything by yourself :(

What have I put myself into...