To do list

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I really want to start. I really want to do this. I feel like I really need to. I need to get back on track. I prayyyyyyyyy that God will help me to wake up tomorrow and commit to what I want to do. You will always reap what you sow, there is NO "effective" SHORTCUTS when it comes to fitness.

God PLEASE help me. So I'm happy that at least today I've attempted to eat right again. Although, not perfect but I made the effort to start so that's a good sign.

So for tomorrow, I have work all day, but I think it is crucial for me to do a workout in the morning. For the rest of the day, I want to eat healthy and that means PLANNING my meals because it will help me to stick to the plan.

Breakfast: Yogurt w/ fruits & nuts
Break1: banana smoothie w/ protein powder
Lunch:  Chicken Salad
Break2: 1 Egg & corns
Dinner: Boiled Vegetables & seafood

YAY..Okay let's startt and be even better than how I used to be this time last yearr!!!!!