To do list

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Prayer....... (need time to clean room)

I'd love to have sometime to clean my room. I would love to rearrange my room, clean up the mess, organise my wardrobe and clothes and go shopping for funitures at IKEA.

I'd like to have sometime to learn the Label M products information. Revise the haircuts.

I need to make my vision board. I really need to. But I want my room to be neat and tidy first! Decorating comes after the rearrangement.

I want to be a useful tool at God's church. I want to be in the right field to serve others.

I want Jesus, to be by my side and continue to lead me for the rest of my life.

I would really want to finish off reading the "fit for life" book but I knew I didn't have time today, and it's too late right now. I am so sleepy at the moment.

I thank God for everything: giving me amazing family and friends, wonderful life lessons through trials and troubles, appreciations through hardship, patience through love, contentment through a lesser life of materialism. I Love Jesus and thank Him for everything.

Jesus, please help me in everything!