To do list

Thursday, July 29, 2010

MAGPIE shoot!

It was amazing working on the first BIRD today LOL. Renny was great with the lovely make up from Chereine and so was Xiaohan with her wonderful photography skills. I'm looking forward to seeing the results. Must be good. Must be. Must be!

Well mum have decided to go on a holiday at the end of the year and I'm quite excited. I don't want to get my hopes up because it might not happen depending on how Cong goes with the cooking and stuff. If he can be confident then it would make mum really happy to go because she will trust that the restaurant will go smoothly when she's not around.

Well apart from that AAMI called today but I wasn't able to pick up. I wonder what they have to tell me. However, it doesn't really bother me much anymore because I know God will take care of everything for me. He will bless me and He will not let THOSE PEOPLE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SITUATION. I know this battle is not mine and even though I was fearful and afraid before, I am no longer so. I trust in my Jesus, almighty God that by his glorious power, He will turn situations around.

I need to give Sveta a call about the driven lessons.

I need to decided if I can do Jovie's hair on sunday.

I need to make some business cards for myself. Or start designing it at least and get them printed out when I'm overseas so they're cheaper.

And last but not least, I DEFINITELY NEED TO START AN AMAZINGLY HEALTHY EATING LIFESTYLE WITH CONSISTENT EXERCISE REGIME! I have to look my best when I'm overseas. I have to! I have to and I need to. I also realllllyyy need to do it for God as well.

My body is in pain today. So much pain. This is like the first time in SO LONG that I can relate to the feeling of post workout. But it confirms to me that what I did wasn't wasted and I did a good job. I tried my best. But I also need to keep this effort up and climb that mountain. I don't want to make a step then stay stationary. I want to keep going and going and going!