To do list

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Calling to the unknown

I just want to be used more and more for the kingdom of God. I know I can be used for so much more. I thank Him for the blessing He has given me but I know it is nothing compare to the greatness He has prepared for those who obeys, loves him and are called according to his purpose.

I was just looking at how Michelle Phan has achieved so much ever since she started her channel on Youtube. She is now the official make up artist for Lancome, not only that she is also on Vogue and other magazines, and she's also just recently been on Fox. I guess that's what happens for people do thing out of passion.

So between a job and a dream, I'm still caught in between. I believe that I'm about to travel on the bridge of a "dream-job" which is hairdressing, because I believe God has placed a gift in me for that area. But it won't be long until I reach my dream. I will not be doing it forever of course. I mean, who stays on a bridge forever if they need to reach the other side? Eventually, I would need to fully step into the dream God has prepared ahead of me. I will then need to fulfill the calling which was established long before I even stepped on earth. Now I finally understood what He meant when He told me that hairdressing will only take up 1/4 of my time here on earth, the other 1/4 will be mission work (which I am really passionate about as well) and the last 1/2 is to preach.....? I'm still kind of shocked...or kind of unsure of how this would turn out. To preach? When? Where? How?

But last night's message at church really emphasised everything that we've been talking about at our connect group and everything else I've been studying for the past few days.

It's Walk by Faith, Not by Sight. and 


and we need to step into the "UNKNOWN" !

We say: "God you show and I'll go."
But God says: "No, you go and then I'll show!"

How amazing is our God. Jesus is so great. I am ready to step into the unknown. I just need him to push me right in it!