To do list

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

So....... tiredd?

Well I was happy that today I worked out. I was looking forward to it so much and I was excited to finally start living a healthy lifestyle again. I've realised how weak I've become. I mean, I'm not weak, but I'm not as strong as how I used to be. That makes sense though because I haven't worked out in so long plus I've been eating quite bad. But now, I don't even feel like touching any of the junk. The harder I work out, the better I want to eat. I want to look after my body so much. It is God's temple. And I have a message to carry. If somehow my body breaks down, I will be responsible, and will not be able to fulfill His calling for my life effectively. I couldn't do the whole work out that I set out for myself, but at least I did all that I could. I would rate today's work out as a 9/10 for intensity. I really felt like my heart was going to swallow up my body. It was beating so fast, made me felt very uncomfortable, different to any other time I've exercised. But, I feel great afterward so that's the main thing. I know that as long as I have the willingness to start then the rest will take care of itself. Like when you sow a seed. It would not sprout until some weeks later. But it would have never sprouted had you not sow the seed. So with me, I'm glad that I have decided to take a step to start, and even if I don't see the result until a few weeks later, I know that every work-out, everything I eat is crucial in achieving that the healthy body I'm aiming for. I'd usually like to take a picture of myself or measure myself just so I can see the improvement later on. But I've decided not to. Ultimately I'm not doing this for myself but I'm doing this mainly because I want to look after God's body. I want to look after what he has given me with. Whatever I'm given, I hold responsibility. I need to take care of it as much as I want, and Zuzana is my inspiration. You just have to give a LITTLE bit of your time everyday, investing in doing some form of physical activity on a high intensity level and eat right. It's as simple as that. I believe if I continue to do what I'm doing today, I will be amaze at the result once it comes.

What's different about this time compare to all the other time is that I'm doing this REALLLLYYY for God's sake. For a Godly purposes. Only a very minor percentage of it is for myself, but mainly and most of it, is dedicated to Him. Jesus is amazing.

There is so many things for me to get done and I just want to rest right now so I can continue reading my e-book and write up my personal statements. I need to do many things but I'm not going to list them all down here because I believe that God will help me to prioritise and allow me to accomplish all that I need to do.

The shoot is tomorrow with Xiaohan, I hope the weather would be better than today. I pray that God would pour out his Holy Spirit upon me so I can produce an amazing piece of work!! I trust in Him. I will always trust in Him, forever and ever!