To do list

Monday, August 16, 2010

BAPTISM - Sunday 15th August

I love Jesus so much.

I just got baptize with Chi yesterday and I feel like whole new person inside and out.

Today was my first day of Vardering as well. It was really nerve-racking but good. I think everyday we're suppose to do 4 models or something. I spent half of the day watching DVDs which made me really sleepy.

I went to gym this morning and from today on, I believe I'm living as a new me. My life will definitely change. There's a routine to everything now and I'm glad. Every weekday from now, I'm waking up at 7 or 7:30am to go gym, then from gym to work. I'm so happy to know that I'm making the most out of my 24 hours. I think the more things I need to do, the more carefully I plan my time. The less I need to do, the more time I will waste and procrastinate. I'm so happy to be able to fit so much in my day. Every night I would need to plan for the next day's work out, lunch and clothes for gym & work. Besides that I still have time for God which is amazing. I'm so grateful that from now on, I can come to connect group on Tuesdays and church on Saturdays. Yay. I'm so happy.

Okay well God I know you were with me today. I thank you and ask that you will continue to bless me tomorrow! Thank you Jesus.