To do list

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Saturday Week 1/12 This night changes everything yet again

Well today was Jovie's birthday so Sveta and I went to greet her a joyful night. I'm so glad to see how much effort Daryl put into making this birthday for her. He is such a thoughtful and sweet guy and I'm happy to see that they're so happy together. We arrived late and didn't eat because Sveta and I both had work, plus Sveta needed to go to the doctor and got ready quite late as well. But besides that, tonight was definitely a memorable night for both of us I think. It's a start of something new.

We ended up stopping by Newtown and got some gelato. We sat down and talked for a while. Reminising about how last year we were so motivated to go gym. It wasn't because I have to/ want to or not. It was I NEED to go and everyday gym was a necessity. I just couldn't believe how committed I was and even my uncle saw that and told my cousin, who then told me about how I'm so dedicated to go even during the rain. But I guess it was because we both experienced something so dramatic in our lives, and that pushed us into a new route and direction. It was something exciting and motivated us to reach for the best of the best.

We then decided to go join a gym together and now, it's like deja vu. We're joining a gym again. This time it's Newtown gym. I actually really love it there. I love it and it's just so different. I'm also glad that I got the off-peak price because it pushes me to go in the morning. I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow being at the gym: not only because I need to burn off all the things I've eaten, but just the thought of thriving for health and that feeling of tone-ness, it's just priceless. I know I will achieve it in no time.

Tonight we both made a commitment to one another that we need to start fresh and focus on our health and state of well-being. It is so crucial because if we can take care of our body, it will then influence our minds, the mental state and the way we think. Ultimately, the way we act and behave will also change. It's so good to see us coming together like this again, letting go of all that bothers us ei, work, stress, household commitment, relationship, family ect... and give gym all the energy that it deserves. Not only that, but eating right is also important.  I'm so glad that this time around will be totally different. And I sincerely believe that your hard work never goes unnoticed. People will always recognise everything you do, even the people you don't know.

I don't want to be stationary. I want to keep climbing that mountain. I don't want to slip down and have to start all over again. I can't afford to risk what I've earned physically to be reversed back to how I used to be. I need to keep going and going. I want people to see me and NOTICE the difference, which I'm 100000% sure that they will ;) I'm putting a lot of effort and work into this. I want to eat healthy. I'm still trying to stick with the "salad + starch or meat" meal thing. I'm having a hard time especially when I'm out eating. I'm also having a hard time not eating the things that looks tempting in front of me. I think if I'm focused enough on the long term result, ignoring the bad food will be no trouble at all. I pray that Jesus will continue to bless me. I know He has all along and I'm so thankful and grateful.

One more thing, I want to get a tattoo about mum. I really want to. I would love to place a phrase on myself dedicating it to her. That last verse in the previous entry really got me.

"To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power."

That's truly beautiful....

My baptism is also tomorrow. I'm so excited. I will pray about it a lot tomorrow and Chi will be coming to Church with me as well (:

I will be going to gym tomorrow morning.

I need to plan out my week:

  • when to go to gym, 
  • what to bring, 
  • if I'm going to go straight to T&G after of if I will go home, 
  • what work-out I'm going to do for what day, 
  • what I will be eating daily
Other than that, I'm going to do some more research on a good place to do tattooing. I also need to look for mum's present. Oh and definitely read the haircut booklet & Label M products info.

Anyways, it's like 2:33am now and I should get some sleep. I will see you very soon tomorrow!

xx Love love alwaysssss world!