To do list

Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday. I'm excited for what's to come

Today another guy left his number, hoping I was going to contact him, but it went right in the bin. What's with guys these days making all these "safe" move. They're all afraid of rejection that's why they prefer to leave it up to the girl to contact them. Well I understand. I'm not interested so that's why I did not contact any of them. Unlike that time when "M _ _ _" gave me his number AHAHHAHAHAHHAHHHA. I was full excited, and after going on that first date (which was also the last) I was like "head over heel" for himmm. hahah So stupid of me, but funny. I'm just looking forward to the guy that God has planned for me. I really do believe in first sight attraction. We would just know. Because it's fate.

I have so many things to be grateful and excited for. I'm going to get the Iphone 4, Sunday night live is coming up, I'm seeing Caroline tomorrow (and it will the start to my connect group), I'm getting baptist next week, and then the photo-shoot, then starting Vardering, and eventually work for T&G as a stylist. Not only that but hopefully we will get to go on holiday at the end of the year as well (:

But most of all, for my ways to match with God's will so ultimately I can bring the glory to God's Kingdom! I love Jesus