To do list

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Wonder of your Love

I'm so happy to have Jesus in my life. Tonight was definitely worth spending with Caroline. I'm so glad I had the chance to speak "life" into her future.

I really loved today and I have definitely made the most out of my day. If only every day could be like this but I know it can't. I had a day break and I'm glad it was spent in the will of God. I got my green P's Licence this morning to start off the day, which was pretty cool. Then lunch with Joe was absolutely amazing. He inspired me so much and I'm so happy that God had allowed me to meet him. His testimony really touched me and made me stronger in faith for my mum. She WILL be saved and I just need to keep keeping on (: I can't wait till the day when she finally falls in love with the love of my life. We spoke about many things and he told me about the Stock Market and o-m-g it made me so fascinated! It was amazing honestly. I'm so interested and it makes me really want to invest. I know I should be careful not to fall in love with the money but treat it as God's possession. He gives it and we manage it. I know that I should not get too attached to such thing because the consequences will be shattering and devastating, ie my dad.

I really hope he can teach me about this so I can do it for him. I have the willingness to learn God and if you can trust me, please allow me to do it for you. I know it seems like I want to do everything, always wanting to try out new things and CAN have a hard time staying persistent but I believe that if it is your calling then there will always be a passion that will pull me through.

I would love the chance to work for Christina as well, I believe I will learn very much. I can't believe why and how I still haven't been able to finish off the course?! I would love to but I just don't have the motivation. Why then, do I want to take up that interior designing position?! I don't get myself sometimes. But let's just leave it up to time.

I really want to watch some sermons tonight because it is now the 7th and it should be the first day of the new cycle, but for some reason it is still slow. I don't know why.

God help me Jesus, with everything and I thank you for my sisters and mum. They are amazing. Thank you for protecting us through it all.
