To do list

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I need to start a new way of life. I'm sick of seeing myself like this. I hate how I look. I hate how I feel. I hate it. I hate it and I know this not how God intended me to look like. I need to change my way of living. The way I eat, the way I move, the way I act & behave towards food!

Especially when I'm going overseas late this year and so I want to look my best. First impression is so key and I want to represent myself as best as I can, particularly when they haven't seen me in over 8 years.

I'm going to sign up to a gym tomorrow. I know this means that I need to spend more but I'm willing. I don't have the facility at home and I've been going crazy about it. Tonight, I'm going to finish reading my ebook "Fit for Life". I've just planned my day for tomorrow so hopefully I can really make the most of tomorrow. I also need to go to OfficeWork so I can print off some pictures since I need to design my vision board.

Okay God, be with me.

This will be another new beginning. But this time. I pray Jesus. I pray that you will help me to stay persistently strong and not give up. Please remind me of the reward that you have promised to provide. I want to set myself a 12 weeks/ 3months goal. I really want to do this. I want to settle this once and for all. I've been struggling with my image for so many years and I need to do this! For myself and for God's glory.

Jesus, be with me.