To do list

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day1.Weekk1/ 12 Weeks_Amazing Day. Amazing Grace. Amazing God.

Jesus you are so good. You are so good to me. To all. To everyone.

I feel so great today after gym. I'm so glad I woke up early today because I know I'm making the most out of my day. I can't believe how much time I've missed not using enough of. On most days, I'd be sleeping until work but I'm so glad I got up even though it was cold, went to the gym then came back still having enough time to do stuff before 10am. I'm planning to go to Newtown again this afternoon to get the phone for Chi. I also want to work out again. Just a short interval training. I love this feeling of the "healthy-living" state. I love it so much. Even though this is the first proper training but I already feel so much lighter and better. I love it I love it I love it and it's all thanks to God. This my first day of the first week.