To do list

Monday, August 9, 2010

My ex

Just did another work out later this afternoon and I was feeling very motivated.

Sveta came by this evening and we had a good chat together. Having dinner together was also fun.

However, I found out something about my ex and it's causing me a bit of an anxiety. Won't be for long, most definitely, but it was just shocking to find out how long they've been together for and whether or not they even went out during our relationship. But it doesn't really matter anyway. I know it was something that must happen in order for God's blessing to flow through. I'm so glad the relationship ended though because it brought out the worst in me and made me a better person. I learnt from my lesson and I never regretted doing anything. God is gracious enough to forgive me and at the same time pour His blessings on me even though I've wronged against him. Jesus is so great. That girlfriend of his happens to do the same that I do. Imagine if we do end up meeting down the road through work, that will be quite funny.

Anyways that's enough. I need to go plan for tomorrow's work out.