To do list

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I really needed this... feeling so sad, so low, so.... hopeless, but God is faithful..

And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.
Genesis 45:5
When Joseph was younger, his brothers secretly sold him into slavery. God then orchestrated Joseph’s life in a way that brought him up out of bondage and into Pharaoh’s house. Ultimately, Joseph became second in command over Egypt. The verse today is Joseph’s account to his brothers of God’s amazing plan for his life, despite the awful circumstances his brothers caused for him.
Because Joseph was faithful to God during unimaginable times in his life, God was able to use him in amazing ways. Joseph’s godly example influenced everyone from his own family to Egyptian slaves, prison inmates, royal servants, the King’s guards, then Pharaoh himself, and eventually the whole land of Egypt.
Most of us have faced those dark times when we feel our circumstances are unjust and undeserved. Yet, through it all, God remains faithful. And His purpose for our lives always comes through in the end.
We don’t usually like to talk about the difficult times in our lives. But they happen. They not only happen to us, but also to those around us. And God can use those circumstances to bring hope to others.
You may have faced a dark time in the past, don’t sweep it under the rug. Instead, allow your story to bring encouragement to someone who is facing their own difficult situation. Talk to them about your faithfulness, even in the face of doubt. And show them how God led you to ultimate triumph.