To do list

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day4.Week1/ 12 Weeks_ Another beautiful day. Training was great today

If Jesus promises something, it will be fulfilled. He promised me that this time is different from all the other time. He said to me that I will be able to achieve what I want to accomplish this time around. I'm just so excited for what's to come. I'm also glad at my progress so far. For some reasons, I'm so motivated nowadays. I don't get lazy. I just want to work out and eat right. I no longer have craving, and I know it is because of Jesus and God that has given me a new mindset. I'm so thankful for everything, for everything that God has allowed me take up, all the chances he has blessed me with.

I'm glad that I've chosen the off-peak price at Gym, because not only does it costs less but it also forces me to go in the morning since you can't go after 3:30pm (when the busy hours are). And I want to go more to get my money worth LOL. I also work out at home when I do want to, but besides that, I love working out in the morning because it sets out an energetic day for me. It's a good start and the hardest part of the day is over. I have so much faith for the result that I want. It will be accomplished because it is Jesus' promise to me and he never take away his words. If it's done, then it's done.

So mum have just decided that we will be going on a holiday at the end of the year. I'm glad and happy for her because I know how much she needs this holiday.

Next week is the start of my Vardering Course, and then I will be working for Toni and Guy OFFICIALLY. How exciting! I hope the Holy Spirit will be upon me, blessing me to be better and better at what I do. I want to be great because I KNOW I will be great. I always thrive to be a person of excellence.

Last night, whilst I was up planning my work out for today, I had a status on fb saying:

Mummy just fell down the stairs in the dark, and I had the pleasure of massaging her foot, making her food and driving her around. Love her so much. She kept on thanking me but that's the least that any daughter can do.

 And that got the attention of Daryl from church. He called me at around 1am in the morning and the funny thing is that I was still awake to pick up his call. He said that he felt selfish for compromising to stay in Australia rather than going back to his mum and dad in Malaysia where they need him. I ended up telling my family story to him and I believe it really did inspire him to make the right decision to go back where the love ones need him most. I'm so happy that God had used me to help him make the right decision. When things like this are accomplished, I feel like everything that I went through was so worth it, because something good came out of it.

Anyways, I'm going to go to Newtown to pick up the phone for Chi. I know she will be very happy when she gets it. (: I love her so much!