To do list

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday Week 1/12_No gym, bad food

Well I couldn't go gym today because I had the photo shoot on early in the morning and had to leave the house at 9am. I was pretty tired last night as well so I decided that I needed more sleep and I could then work out during the day or the afternoon. However, that doesn't always work. If i don't get things done early, they won't be done because there's always stuff that comes up during the day and it distracts you from doing what is most important. I ate pretty bad today and just realised how bad it felt. I loved it when I ate very plain, wholesome food because my stomach did not feel disturbed. But as soon as I put other processed food in my stomach, I can automatically feel the difference because my body was getting really used to the good/ living food. I've also realised that when I do work out in the morning, it makes me eat really well. It helps to remind me to live a healthy lifestyle, eat well and exercise well. Well tomorrow I'm back at the gym early and then connect group in the afternoon. At night will be dinner for Jovie's birthday. Hopefully Sveta can make it early because I don't want to go by myself. I don't even know what to wear argh! LOL.

But yes, I just came back from dinner with Toni then we chilled together with Charles, Nino and Arvin at Arvin's place then went to Strathfield's "House of Pumpkin". I ate too much. Anyways, let's not talk about food shall we. The lesson I've learnt is to ALWAYS follow your instict, and do what you KNOW is right. I knew I should've stuck to eating meat and salad today and not stuff myself with sushi, rice, meet, dumplings bla bla bla. I knew I should've had a juice instead of pancake and icecream. But what's in the past is already in the past. It's never a mistake if you can learn from it. But one thing, tomorrow is Jovie's birthday and it will be very hard to just stick to my way of eating since it's a 5 course meal. Does it mean I should work out extra hard tomorrow? Even so, I still truly believe that eventually I will get the results that I want because God promised me that I will accomplish what I set out, and through perseverance and hard work, it will manifest into reality in no time.

Other than that, I feel pretty good today knowing how my ex is at the moment. Although I feel unfortunate for him but seriously, I can truly say I've made so much progress for the past year compare to him. I deserve so much more than all he can ever give. He might be good for someone else, but not for me. If him and that Jenny girl is happy together then that's good. I'm happy for them. But if he is what Toni said, then I definitely think he's turning worst and not for the better. I don't have to list down the stuff which I have done during those times. All I'm going to say is that my life has totally and dramatically changed since the break and I'm SO glad. I'm so happy that God had allow it to happen, because had it not happened I would have never gone closer to Jesus. I'm just thinking: Did he really gain that much weight? That's totally not who I want to be with especially when I'm trying to look after my body so well by eating right and going to the gym. Apparently, he and his girlfriend goes to drink-ups and get drunk together as well. Man that just turns me off real bad. If they enjoy that then they are definitely made for each other. Another thing is that he had only started studying this semester. So that meant for the past year he has been unemployed and did not study whatsoever. That is just disappointing. Now that he is starting (nursing?) I'm actually going to work for Toni and Guy. And another shocking thing is how the girlfriend moved in with him?! That's just weird and she's so young! Well who cares. I just can't wait for my perfect man to come. My destined prince charming (:

God tells me: If you can be God's best, he will give you His best. I want to be God's best in every way because I want to be given what He treasures most. Because those are the precious things that are truly valuable.

Okay Jesus, I pray that tomorrow will be another day for you. A day that I'm reaching to you more and more. I want to come into your presence and I want you to speak to me. Jesus please bless me. Please allow me to work extra extra hard at gym. Push me to work out intensely so I can make the most out of my time. Please help me to read the words you've prepared for me. Thank you for the shoot today, the last 2 birds have been accomplished and I'm so relieved. It feels so good to have those things behind you. I just can't wait to go on a holiday at the end of the year. It will be so awesome and great! I pray that God will remind me of the wholesome food that is readily available everywhere. I ask that He will give me wisdom and knowledge to do what is right, to choose what is worthy and nourishing for my body instead of the food that may tastes good at first but then leaves you feeling really empty and not fulfilled. I pray that God will help me to decide what to wear hahah for the birthday.

Oh I can't wait to get baptist. I'm a bit nervous actually. Quite nerve-racking. I'm also nervous about the Vardering course at Toni and Guy as well. Hope all is well but I know for sure that the Holy Spirit is upon me at all times!

I love you Jesus and please bless me!! I AM BLESSED! yes yes yes. Thank you God!