To do list

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wonderful Jesus on this Sunday night Church! (:

Amazing, amazing, my God is absolutely amazing.

Well I actually stayed up until 4 or 5 am something last night watching youtube. It just really touched me and reconfirms to me of God's words and the realities of Heaven and Hell. I'm so glad I am living right now and I'm so glad that I ran by those videos because I needed to know that. I need to prepare myself as well. I also have to keep on praying and praying for God's miracles to be released. He already has it right in His  hands but it can only be released by earnest prayers and repetitions, until those pages in Heaven smokes up and tear out from the book for the angels to come to earth and answer our deepest needs. Jesus is so amazing.

It also reinforces WHERE my love ones will end up being if they are not saved. I will continue to pray for my mum. Just because I know God will save her doesn't mean I will stop praying. In fact I will praise him even more for the future blessings He will bring to my family. He is so great and there is no one like Him.

I just want to say thank you to Jesus again for tonight's 5pm sermon by Krishan. He was amazing. The reason is because I really felt like God was telling me some THINGS. I've been unsure about connect group for a while and I'm thinking of starting it later when it is more "comfortable" for me. But I know that should not be the case. We should not try to fit God around us, but fit ourselves around God. We should just trust his words and go with it. I know God was speaking directly at me. He repeated the idea that I can only be trusted with a lot if I can be trusted with little. Therefore, I don't have to have a group, I can just start out with ONE person. And I'm thinking of just catching up with Caroline then start inviting people to come along to this small group.

This August will be amazing and I know many exciting things will take place. I will definitely be bring people to the Sunday Night Live. I know it will be fun and life changing. The 15th of August is my baptism! I can't wait. I've been a Christian for 7 years now and this is my official baptism for God to cleanse me out of this sinful earthly body. I'm bringing my little sister along as well so that would be great! On the 16th will be my first day for the Vardering course. This is very exciting. I know that I'm reaching 3/4 through the year and there are plenty of great things left that God wants me to do, see & accomplish. I'm just so thankful to be the child of God. I love Jesus and can't wait to live with him in Heaven for eternity.

One more thing. This week has to be my highest income week, ever, considering I don't really work outside and only help out with my family's business. My mum does give me money. It's more like a salary than a wage. I don't mind how much she pays me really. It's more to help her and because she decides to pay me, I've used this as a way to earn my independent finance. So I've made $850 in all this week, $350 from the restaurant and $500 from doing hair extension. Pretty good right. And it all comes down to God's blessing. For the past few weeks, ever since conference, I've made a decision to always bring my 10% tithe and offering to the house of God, and every week I've done so with GLADNESS. I'm so happy to bring this contribution into the storehouse because I know it will be used to bring God's kingdom forward. I can't wait to bring more in. It makes me so happy to know that I am able to make a difference. I don't like to keep count of how much I give the church though, because I think that's really unnecessary. I know I've given what I could but money isn't everything. It comes and go and if it is put in the right project, it will flourish, if not, it will just be wasted. For the Kingdom of God to grow even more, I need to put myself out there in confidence. I have to make a STAND! I have to have confidence in my Lord Jesus and use what I've already got to step out into the dark world. I can't wait until I think I'm ready, I can't trust on my own ability because I will never be ready otherwise, but by the power of God, I know it will all change, supernaturally. Jesus will be with me and miraculous things will take place!
