To do list

Friday, March 18, 2011

Good news Good news :)

So my last post was on Tuesday. Since then it has been, Wednesday, Thursday and now today is Friday :)

I have really good news. I think God is really doing something in me. I'm different now. For the past 3 days I've been going to gym with absolutely no make up. I know people would really laugh at me if they did find out I only went when I already have make up on (which is in the night time) or if I go in the morning I would have to put on eyeliner and/or lashes, which honestly sound soooo ridiculous because who am I trying to impress? NO ONE!! Did I still want to look pretty "sweating"!? I don' think so. God has taken me out of my comfort zone which I'm so glad I have because I've been able to make so much use of my time this way. I didn't care what people think. I mean I do, but I don't let people's opinion affect the way I think of myself. Because in God's eyes, I'm beautiful and he only wishes for me to see the same thing, from HIS perspective. I think I'm finally getting there. It feels so good not having to take ages to get ready. I just pack my clothes, shoes, socks & water the day before, as soon as the alarm goes off, I have 2 options; the first one is always to 'press the snooze button', the 2nd is to cancel the alarm, and GET UP. That initial 2 minutes is the hardest. Going to the bathroom, feeling tired & sleepy! But as soon as I'm half way brushing my teeth, I WAKE UP! Maybe it's the minty smell in the toothpaste LoL I'm really not sure what it is, but IF I make the decision to GET UP, out of my bed, I know the rest is easy. I think 'momentum' is really important, you have to start somewhere right??

Well yes, so I'm back to the gym now and I hope I'm going to keep it up. I know I will. I'm not going to look at the past and haunt myself with the failures. What's done is done and God promises that He will do a NEW thing in my life, in each of our lives if we trust him. Life is a TEST, a TRUST & a TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENT as Rick Warren said in his book. That is so true and that concept has been flying around my head helping me to live for eternity. One more thing that I've noticed God is doing in me is; COMMITMENT. I've realised that when I train, if I told myself I'm going to do 10 minutes, I WILL do 10 minutes because I don't want to fail what I set out to do. If I said 'Okay, 15 reps' I WILL do 15 reps even if the 10th or 11th one seems so hard. I'm so thankful that god has given me new strength & commitment. I can't believe that I've been to the gym for the 3 days straight after not working out for soooooo long. I'm looking forward to seeing what God's reward for my persistence. He will do what he says he'd do :)

Tonight I'm also meeting up with my amazing model and Rai the photographer. I hope everything goes well and we can get an idea of what needs to be done for the colour. I honestly don't know what to do but this is not my battle but God's. He had given me this opportunity to showcase His creativity. I'm not going to take credit for anything since it was only because of Him that I got this far, and it's only because of Him that I will succeed in anything I do. I don't mind where I end up, winning or not winning, as long as I've done the will of God and that I have attempted my absolute best then that's all that matters. God sees the heart of his people. God is amazing and I want EVERYTHING I do to honour him and showcase His majesty.

You deserve it all Lord. I'm thankful for everything.

I've thought about worldly success. They don't mean a thing. People will remember you for a while but soon someone else will replace you. Your golden trophy will last for a while and then it will rust. You popularity will be temporary and soon, you'll just die. Given enough time, no one would know who you are. You're just a vapour that disappear within this vast universe. Only in Jesus will you reach and receive eternal life. And HOW you will for God will be remembered more than anything. God will judge you base on WHAT you did with His Son, Jesus. I pray that day by day, I will be refined to be more like him. It's good to get myself outside of my comfort zone. If I'm satisfied with everything and is laid-back, then I have no room to grow...

Okay... for some reasons I'm feeling a little sleepy but I don't want to go to sleep. I want to go to work early so I have some time relaxing outside... I don't know if I will though because I slept quite late last night!

Okay let see what happens. My eyes are like closing on me right now lol....