To do list

Monday, February 28, 2011

God is faithful :)

Yes so as I was saying....

Everything I had in my bank account I gave it all to God even the $2000 that didn't even belong to me. But oh well it was in my account. I wasn't worried at all when all those money were gone because to me money is nothing. It's only a medium to attain extra things in life. Even loosing money through an EBay scam didn't make me go crazy. I just prayed that God can forgive whoever did that. It was a lot of money to say the least. Well I really feel like God is blessing me & showing me the way slowly but surely. I liked the message by Julia Abelle yesterday. Yes, we have to wait patiently upon the lord and when nothing happens we should not get tempted to opt for an easier option but stay put & steadfast in what we are doing for the harvest is on its way & your hard work will pay off.

I thank God for the opportunity to do freelance hair. I thank God so much for helping me with the first step & continued to help me with all of the remaining clients. Yesterday I made $130 from 3 clients. 2 cuts that was $35 each but they paid me $40 each instead. And there was a blow-dry for $50. Today I had $10 tips too so that went to pay for my bus ticket. I'm quite conscious about what I spend on now. I have to :) and all those money that I've earned I've put it towards investing my Bio Ionic One Pass miracle straightened. I've just purchased it :)

Today's WO with Zuzana was great :) I hope to continue tomorrow with the power of God :)

Thanks Jesus!