To do list

Monday, February 28, 2011

I guess it's the beginning. ZUZANA #1!!

I can't say much more but thank you to God for helping me realise to just take it one day at a time. I don't need to worry about what tomorrow will bring. I just have to live through today. I just have to give it my best for what ever that I am doing TODAY! 

I've realised that because God knows that I can't deal with too much at once or planning too far ahead, he has made 'a' day not with 500 HOURS but with 24 hours. He knows that, that's all we have to worry about: those 24 hours. And when a new day begins, we can take care of the new day with the new plan. I mean, you can still plan your time but not to stress or get anxious about what's going to happen or NOT going to happen.

I seriously didn't feel like doing anything today but I had 3 clients before I had to go to Paddington for a Seminar with Nikki Malone. Yeah it was good: exceeding client's expectation, that was the title of the talk. It was helpful and one thing I'd like to challenge myself from now is to 

- Make an effort to invite the client back BEFORE I take off the gown. 

A good news to prove how faithful God is :) For the past 2 weeks I've been meeting my target. HOORAYY!! :)

I used to think it was really hard, I used to think it was not achievable at this time. I was telling my boss that I will meet it in May or June, but it's only FEB and I've met it!!! YAY YAY YAY, Okay none of the glory goes to me. It all goes to God. No seriously God helped me did it all. I did nothing really. He gave me the opportunity and I took it. I'm glad that I did everything I could. I took up even just a fringe trim or like a late appointment or a simple blowdry ect. I know at the end of the day the all add up. (Now that makes me think of my effort in keeping fit, yes it all adds up at the end of the day :))

So yes, my target each week is $2600 ex GST, so I managed to make $2643 I think 2 weeks ago, and last week I think I made just close to $2700. I'm pushing myself because I'm going to Milan this July and I still need to save up for the tickets. I haven't purchased it and I need to do it REAL soon. However, I know even if I'm late, God will still provide a way because He is awesome :) and Great!!!

I have to work from scratch. I have to make money from scratch. No one knows but just like last month. I gave up everything I had for God. I was so full of faith that what I give up for God, God can use it a billion times better than I can. .....

Okay sis needs to use the comp..
