To do list

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Daniel fast - Day 1/31 - Steven's prayer

My first day of the Daniel fast.

Consume only fruits, vegetables, grain and water.

Today went well, I ate mostly fruits during the day then had rice and vegetables for dinner.

Steven was hurt today from a NYE fight and I prayed for him. Found out that he actually goes to scripture. I asked if he believes in God , he said that he will get there soon. I'm happy. I thank God that my day was purposeful today because I was brave enough to pull him out and talked to him and prayed for him.

I also started on the one year bible reading plan. God is slowly revealing a lot of things to me.

Today, for the 5th time, God reminded me of the verse

"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you" Mathew 6:33 from the book "The power of a praying life"

God's way do not make sense. If it's logical, it's probably not God.