To do list

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My vision for 2013

So today is the first day of 2013. 2012 is gone and 2013 will be a year where my faith is tested. I know that for sure, now that I have no job.

Christmas was depressing even though I was on a cruise. It was fun, however I felt very lost and confused about life.


  • The year I see is a year full of God's favour and blessing demonstrated through different circumstances and people are able to recognise the Lord's goodness.
  • I see year where my character is refined to become more like Jesus, so pure and reflective that people sees Jesus in me wherever I go, and are inspired to know and follow him. 
  • I see a year where the connect group flourishes with such health and large attendance that there is no room to contain us. That there are leaders rising up to lead sub connect groups. People are being multiplied and they call their connect group home. A connect group built up with God-loving and dedicated individuals seeking to make a difference in God's kingdom. And whose connect group members are continuously being flourished through serving and receiving at church. 
  • I see a year that speaks of powerhouse as a mighty force in his church, where salvations are being saved at an exponential growth. I see a year full of excitement in the life of our afterparty, that people are drawn to it because of the culture that it sets. That lives are being connected and reconnected with Jesus through this community and his people. I see afterparty going to a whole new level with attendance so large that we fill the big Hillsong bus constantly each week. Where we have people who are equipped with resources to provide our needs. 
  • I see a year with team unity, with many gifted and talented individuals joining together to make powerhouse Saturday 7pm the best service for 18-25 years old. I see a team of such Jesus lovers that they're willing to do whatever it takes to make each week's event happen. I see a team that is united and serve with excellence. I see a team rising above all odds when challenges come, and unite in prayer and worship to wait upon God's faithfulness. 
  • I see 2013 as a year where God raise me up to lead leaders who are leading other leaders. The year that God teaches me new and wise things.
  • I see different sub team under me, each working cohesively within their own team and their leaders are performing better than I am. I see the next generation of leadership going greater things than I have to bring glory to Jesus.
  • I see 2013 as a year of completion to long lost hope, a new cycle for my health and the year where God restores my identity. I see this year as a year that I learn to love and be confident with myself and look better physically than I ever have. A year where eating healthily and exercising will no longer becoming a chore but a loving habit and a joy to take care of God's temple.
  • 2013 will be a year where God reveals to me more of Jordan, where God would teach me to place Jesus first and fall deeply in love with him before anyone else. Then Jordan will be introduced in reality. 
  • I see a year where I adopt a new language, and submerge myself in their culture and find a new love for speaking a new tongue.
  • I see a year of incredible spiritual growth that God would take me to places I would have never dreamt of. I see a year where my first hour of the day is dedicated to him, and the first fruit of everything I earn goes to him. I see a year where my honour to God allows God to bless my career in a way that blows my mind. A year where the more I place God first, the less hour I have to work and the more I get paid. A year where so many collaborations are done to produce great work of art with talented individuals. I see a year where Jesus shines wherever I go.
  • I see a year where my family are drawn towards Christ and who he is, and a year of hope and discovery of Truth for all my family. I see a year of provision where they know it comes from no other but Jesus.
  • I see 2013 as a year where my temptations and weaknesses no longer have control over me, rather Jesus and the Word of God strengthens my foundation and empowers me to keep doing righteous things.
  • I see 2013 as a year where my knowledge of God would be broadened, a year where my eyes will see his glory and my ears will hear him clearly. And my heart will be led to do only good things.