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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Daniel fast - Day 2/31 - Let God reign my mind

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you
Isaiah 26:3

You have a choice about what you will accept into your mind and what you won't.

Lord, I ask that you take captive of those ungodly thoughts. Please lead me in your way and fill me with thoughts which are pure. Let my mind think of You, think of your words at all times. Let me not be discouraged about the future but trust in you for you will deliver me. Comfort me when I feel down Lord. Teach  me about time management. Let me be your light, and let me not be ashamed to stand up for my belief and who I am. Let today be another day that you reveal more of yourself to me. In Jesus name I pray.