To do list

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 2/14. My heart hurts..

All day, my heart has been in pain. Not physically but spiritually. I really feel as though I'm really filled with the Holy Spirit inside of me. I've been in my solitude mode today. I didn't really speak much. I just felt like I had to just savour the presence of the Lord. I'm quite hungry but I'm okay. The night rally was great at Conference. Brian preached and the message I got out of this was

"The greater the blessings, the greater the oppositions. And the greater the oppositions, the greater the blessings."

I know I'm facing many troubles but that only means that I will be more blessed because He knows I'm capable of resisting more pain, and the more He gives me, it just shows that I'm more trustworthy to Him. And ultimately, He is only training my faith and shaping my character for home, which is Heaven where I will serve him forever and ever! yay!

Got to wake up quite early tomorrow, maybe at like 5:30am so I can catch a bus at 6:30 and be at Central around 7:00

I'm not worried about anything anymore because I know God has an amazing plan for my life and this week WILL BE 




